Thursday 24 October 2013

Prelim Peer Assessment

What elements of this sequence did you feel were successful?
  • The camera shots were appropriate as they capture the key moments of the sequence, eg when Sarah begins to sing, and then when Ben starts to sing.
  • The use of editing was also successful, eg the change in music volume from inside and outside of the room
  • Lip syncing looks real
  • The sound was successful and it was played at the right point.
  • The panning of the camera was also successful. It gave a full view of the classroom.
Were there any aspects of the sequence which you felt were confusing, distracting or missing?
  • To give us the full understanding that it was a muscial, I think they should have sung for a bit longer and shown their full bodies on the table.
  • There were very few shots of Sarah and Ben dancing, which were necessary to capture the musical vibe.
  • There was no establishing shot of someone walking down the corridor
  • When they laugh when singing
  • Cut between them, not equal length.
What would have improved this sequence?
  • Sung for a bit longer.
  • More shots of the characters dancing around as it would have captured the musical genre clearer.
  • More enthusiasm to make it more realistic