Wednesday 18 December 2013


Watch the film opening here:

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Tuesday 17 December 2013


This is the poster we made for our film, Divided.

Location and Recce Shots

For our film, we had to choose revelant locations to shoot in order to get the best shots. Our film was a thriller and therefore mainly set in a woodland. We also had shots at two seperate houses and a school field.

This is the woodland which we filmed a majority of our opening sequence in. It is called the Galleywood Common and is roughly 2 miles from our school. James and I walked from our school to the location first to check it was suitable and took this photo to show the group. After consulting the group, we decided this was a suitable location to film. The picture shown above is the exact location of when Chris first walks through the woods, right at the start of the sequence. It was an overcast and cold day, which added well to the mystery of why Chris was in the woods.

This is the route we had to take to Galleywood Common

This is James' room where we filmed Chris waking up from his dream, the final shot we see. We chose this place to film because it was easy to access because James is in our group and close to the school. The window on the far side (left side in the film) gave suitable lighting along with a lamp just below the window.

 This is the bathrub in which we filmed the shot of the anonymous girl dead in a lake. We got leaves from outside and added them to create the lake effect. The camera panned from right to left along the bath to show the whole body. This was in Sarah's house.

Opening Titles Timeline

T1) 0:00- 0:17 Summit Entertainment

T2) 0:18-0:21Global Studio Productions

T3) 0:22-0:26 James Clifford

T4) 0:27-0:32 Sarah Maerz

T5) 0:33-0:38 Hariet Carter

T6) 0:39-0:42 Dominic Punt

T7)0:43-0:47 Megan Laner-Hoskins

T8) 0:48-0:52 Divided

T9) 0:53-0:57 Screenplay from Benjamin Tin

T10) 0:58-1:00 Casting Gina Brookes

T11) 1:05-1:07 Music by Ben Clarkson

T12) 1:08-1:11 Costume desiner Emma Ley

T13) 1:12-1:15 Editor Patrick Greene

T14) 1:16:1:20 Produced by Stepen Leadwater


T15) 1:42-1:48 Directed by Bill Mertz

Friday 13 December 2013

Peer Evaluation

In our peer assessment, we averaged  46 out of 60; which is inside a level 3 at the top end. We then reviewed the comments and noted the most reoccurring ones.

Key points:

·         Looks too much like a trailer

·         Take out or change the voiceover

·         Take out the interview

·         Too fast at points

·         Lighting in the bed is too dark

·         More of Megan in the lake

How were these fixed?

·         We took out some of the alter egos to make the sequence look more like an opening scene, focusing more on the main character

·         The voiceover has been removed to create more enigma codes about what is wrong with the main protagonist

·         Interview was removed and replaced with scenery shots instead

·         We ignored this because we believed the pace was acceptable with the confused nature of the scene

·         This was removed and then re-filmed with more lighting, in exactly the same concept

·         We added a few extra snippets of the lake shot towards the end of the scene

Thursday 12 December 2013

Lesson 11 - 20 Production Diary

Lesson 11: We all went to Galleywood to James’ house, Sarah’s house and Galleywood Common to film the opening scene of our film.

Lesson 12: This was the lesson where we all uploaded all our video clips to Adobe Premiere and Dom started to piece it all together whilst James and Sarah worked on the green screen, to add another piece into the opening scene.

Lesson 13: Dom and Sarah carried on editing whilst James updated the production diary and looked at title font styles

Lesson 14: Dom carried on editing and then we all went around the school looking for the best venue for taking the picture for the poser.

Lesson 15: We had a group discussion and found out that the Title ‘Troubled Diversity’ was too complicated so after debating , we came up with ‘Divided’.

Lesson 16: with Dom (the main editor) absent James updated the production diary, whilst Sarah started to work on the Title ‘Divided’. Then we both started to work on the poster.

Lesson 17: We decided as a group that the idea of mental illness wasn't clear enough so we made a voice over of a doctor diagnosing Chris with Schizophrenia.

Lesson 18: James and Sarah filmed shots of Dom and Alex to see if we could put him into the scene acting as some fillers. Dom then went away to look for some music when James filmed shots of Sarah and Alex.

Lesson 19: All the class watched all the other classes productions and marked them all, gave peer evaluation.

Lesson 20: We got our evaluations and feedback back from the other classes and with Sarah absent James and Dom went through them and decided what to change and keep.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Lesson 1 - 10 Production Diary

Lesson 1: In our first lesson together, we decided our film, which was Sarah’s pitch. James and Dom then added our own input into the idea, and we updated Sarah’s prezi accordingly. We assigned our roles too; we tried to make them to our own personal strengths.

Lesson 2: Watched other peoples film pitch and then pitched our own. Took feedback from the other groups and noted it down.

Lesson 3: Started work on the storyboard and finding relevant places to shoot.

Lesson 4: James and Sarah continued work on the storyboard, thinking of more shots to film. Dom started on the music selection.

Lesson 5: Continued work on storyboard.

Lesson 6: With Sarah absent, James and Dom began piecing together the storyboard, trying to put it in order.

Lesson 7: With the storyboard completed, we took pictures of the storyboard and decided how to present it.

Lesson 8: We decided that Dom would talk about the storyboard on a green screen and put it over the top of the pictures. We filmed it in the classroom and uploaded it onto Adobe Premiere.

Lesson 9: Sarah worked on Adobe Premiere putting the speech over the pictures of the storyboard. James and Dom worked on the shooting schedule.

Lesson 10: Sarah finished off editing on Adobe Premiere and ended up finishing the storyboard, whilst James and Dom finished off the shooting schedule and also completed the Risk Assessment.

Our Risk Assessment

Here is our risk assessment sheet that we filled in before going out to Galleywood common and filming as this was the area that has the most risk attached with the destination as there were lakes and uneven ground.

Font Analysis

During the process of making our opening sequence we decided to change the title from 'Troubled Diversity' to 'Divided'.

As we changed the title we have now an opportunity to actually split the title 'Divided' and make it really effective, to give us our extra chance to get full marks with our opening scene.

On Adobe Premier we have been trying to experiment with the idea of actually splitting the word 'Divided'

An example of this would be the title of prison break, as it is divided in the middle and gives the same effect that we want to our opening scene. The idea that something isn't quite right with Chris' life.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Character Profiles

Here is a light-hearted intake into our characters introduced in the opening scene.

Film Title Change

After self and peer evaluation of our film title, we deemed it unsuitable to continue under the name 'Troubled Diversity'. As a result of this, we have changed the name to 'Divided'. We believe this creates a better vibe alongside the genre of the film and it is less of a mouthful.

Friday 6 December 2013