Sunday 10 November 2013

Art of the Title

1. What is the definition of a title sequence?
 A title sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members, or both, utilizing conceptual visuals and sound.

2. What is the function of a title sequence?
 The function of a title sequence is to introduce the film and the people who star and made the film to the audience.

3. Name three films featured in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence?
 Saturday Night Fever, Pink Panther and Iron Man.


The text is pink, relating to the main character. It is all different sizes, to show the light-heartedness of the film. The P in Pink is bigger and the i has a star above it. This could be to emphasis the fact the panther is pink which is quite abnormal. I think the feeling from these titles is supposed to show it's definitely an animation, and that the film isn't too serious. The image of a panther shows the main character straight away, so we know what the film is about. We know that the film is quite old due to the quality, and also we know from that screenshot it is an animation. 

 This is the title for the film 'The Social Network'. Straight away we notice the white text inside the blue box, which looks like the 'facebook' logo. Therefore, we know what the film will be about and the title confirms that. The backdrop is of cars which is significant because there is lots of them, like a social gathering. The white text on the logo could represent innocence, which is what facebook was designed to be, lighthearted and fun. Also, the text is all in lower case, which could show it being not very formal, which social networking is.